Better than Olive Garden®! Top with grilled chicken on fettuccine pasta for a complete meal or use as a dip for bread sticks. Delicious rich and creamy spinach Alfredo everyone will love. When I make...
Whether it's chicken Alfredo or fettuccine Alfredo, the Alfredo sauce has always had my heart. This is a simple and basic recipe for Italian starters. Enjoy!
Treat yourself and guests to creamy homemade Alfredo sauce with this easy recipe. This sauce pairs well with pasta or zoodles (spiralized zucchini). You can even add chicken or shrimp. Sauce will become...
Refrigerated tortellini is good quality, and oh so suitable for a quick and easy weeknight meal. Alfredo sauce is rich, velvety, and indulgent, but it's worth the splurge occasionally, and you'll look...
I played around with some different seafood and fettuccini recipes, and combined our favorites into this delicious Cajun shrimp and sausage Alfredo dish that my family can't seem to get enough of. It is...
The beauty of this chicken Alfredo is that it's done in less than thirty minutes, ingredients are minimal, and there is only one pan to wash! The thinly sliced chicken breasts are what allows this to cook...
An easy Alfredo sauce you can scale to a large crowd. This will not separate like some Alfredo sauces and is stable enough to make for a group event. The sauce will be stable if you keep it covered. It...
Spicy and creamy....a great combination! Homemade Alfredo is always best, but the Knorr® mix plus Parmesan is a quick easy alternative. Serve over angel hair pasta.
This alfredo sauce is lower in fat than most, as it is made with half and half. This is delicious over pasta and is easy to make. You can also make it the day before and refrigerate it until ready to use....
As someone who is lactose intolerant and loves Italian cream-based sauces, I have searched high and low for a decent, easy to make recipe for vegan/non-dairy alfredo sauce. I have experimented with as...
This is one of my absolute favorite Alfredo dishes with mushrooms. My mom always used to make it, and I made it recently for some of my college friends and they were dying over it! It's very easy and,...
A simple pasta sauce using a few common ingredients, this is kind of like an Alfredo, but not nearly as rich. It's very light and flavorful and pretty low in fat, depending on what kind of milk you use....
This beats store-bought Alfredo sauce and is so easy to make. As a bonus, it's keto and low-carb friendly! I use a Microplane® grater to shred my Parmesan cheese. If you use store-bought grated Parmesan...
This pizza is a breakaway from the traditional red sauce pizza. Homemade Alfredo sauce, grilled chicken, spinach, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese pair beautifully on this pizza. While homemade dough is...
This recipe was a nice way to use up some extra pumpkin we had available. Served it to one person who really enjoys pumpkin (myself) and one who doesn't, and both came away really liking it! Has enough...
I don't claim to be Italian, and I'm sure many Italian nonnas would cringe at a pressure-cooked chicken Alfredo, but this recipe is kept simple to ensure the integrity of the classic dish. Please note...
Heavy cream and all but 1 tablespoon of butter are omitted from this dish, and cream cheese and Greek yogurt are used in their place. A slice of bacon is used to add some richness and a smoky aroma, but...
This creamy sauce draws on Northern Italian ideas for a summer pasta. Experiment to get the taste you want! Great on chicken. Use your favorite noodle that holds sauce.
This is a fairly simple recipe I came across years ago. It is divided into two parts, the pesto and an Alfredo sauce, and then the two are mixed together! Serve over hot pasta. Have fun with the pasta...
This recipe for Fettuccine Alfredo is so easy and delicious that my family requests it constantly! We like this best served with grilled chicken breasts and broccoli or spinach. If you are lucky enough...
I first tasted this delicious recipe while visiting a northern California coast micro brewery. This is my version. Serve over linguine and garnish with parsley and additional Parmesan cheese.
This recipe is the best and most delicious homemade Alfredo sauce. It's really creamy, and I promise that you will not make it any other way. When I cook this at the firehouse this will feed 5 of us and...
Zucchini provides a healthy touch to this delightfully rich and creamy sauce! Reduced amounts of cream and cheese also make this great recipe healthier.